Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Cloak Without Dagger (1956)

A modest and inoffensive, yet enjoyable little spy drama. During the war Felix (Philip Friend) and Kyra (Mary Mackenzie) were after an enemy spy but he escaped them. Now ten years later Felix is a waiter in a hotel and Kyra a journalist... and she has seen the spy again! Now he is apparently Peppi (John Heller), a dress designer. She has also seen a dead body... which quickly disappears.

Kyra enlists the help of the hotel detective Fred (Leslie Dywer) who suspects Felix is a wrong-un... much to Kyra's shock. Has Felix become an enemy agent? Everything seems to point to a secret nuclear base...

Although somewhat limited with a basic by the numbers plot the film is a decent enough watch with a fairly exciting helicopter chase as a climax. Look out for Frank Thornton in a small role as one of the spy ring, long before the days of Captain Peacock!