Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Fire Maidens from Outer Space (1956)

It seems in the 1950s everyone thought outer space would be fairly easy to get to and once they got there they would find it inhabited by either attractive young women or monsters...

The UK/US launch a mission on a nuclear powered V2 rocket to Jupiter's 13th moon which seems Earth like. The joint team of chain smoking astronauts including Blair (Anthony Dexter) and Larson (Paul Carpentier) make it to the moon...

There they discover young women in revealing outfits led by Hestia (Susan Shaw) and an old man Prasus (Owen Berry). He claims they are the last descendants of Atlantis. Oh there is also a rather strange mutant lurking in the forest in an unconvincing bodysuit...

It is very low budget, most of the film seems to be made in the local park. It is also very silly but has a lot of innocent charm. The main problem with the film is that there wasn't a huge amount of story so there is a little too much meandering filler. Happily there is just enough cheese to make it worthwhile.