Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Silver Trail (1937)

A rather run of the mill B-western. Bob (Rex Lease) has arrived in town looking for his friend who has written to him about his silver mine. However when Bob gets to town no one seems to have heard of his friend or the mine. The town dudes have stolen the claim of course, and had Bob's friend killed. Bob takes a while though to cotton on that something is amiss even though the bad guys ability to hide their guilt is seemingly zero...

With the help of clever dog Rin Tin Tin Jr and female outlaw Molly (Mary Russell) Bob finds out what has happened to the claim and brings the bad guys to their well deserved comeuppance. Oh and of course gets the girl too...

Although at times slightly stilted and awkward, and with a fairly average plot, this is a decent enough if not spectacular western. The usual stunts, fights and shoot outs. A few songs too. And the good hats win.