Monday, June 28, 2021

Country Town (1971)

A tale of drought, tension and romance in the Australian bush. At times this film is very soapy which is no surprise as it was a movie spin-off from the long running Australian TV drama Bellbird

The country folk have been hit hard by a drought, many farms are failing and businesses suffering without any cash. Reporter Philip (Gerald Maguire) arrives in town to discover what is going on. His arrival stirs up tensions but the locals rally round to hold a gymkhana to raise funds. Will the rain finally return? 

It probably helps to have seen the soap opera but this is a decent portrayal of country folk and some good rough humour (not always intentional). Also starring Terry MacDermott, Gary Gray and Lynette Curran. This film was made in the middle of the soap's run which continued into the late 1970s.