Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Time Chasers (1994)

A ridiculously low-budget time travel film. Nick (Matthew Bruch) has developed a time machine, which for some reason only works in a light aircraft fitted with a Commodore computer. Nick interests CEO J.K. (George Woodard) in investing in his machine. 

Unfortunately when Nick heads to the future with his lady friend Lisa (Bonnie Prichard) they find the future has changed and now has become a rather low-rent dystrophia.

Nick discovers that J.K. has misused the time machine and changed history for the worst. Nick and Lisa try and change history themselves by stopping J.K. which involves them heading back to the U.S. Revolutionary War but also crashing a car...

An enjoyable if ridiculous film which seems to have the budget of about $5. The film eschews any complications with time travel to keep things straight forward and reasonably exciting. The best thing about the film is that Nick and Lisa are so ordinary and yet have such amazing adventures.