Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Earth Dies Screaming (1964)

A very low-budget science-fiction horror film but does an amazing job with what it has. Tough American pilot Jeff (Willard Parker) arrives in an English village to find everyone dead. Finally he comes across a small number of survivors including Peggy (Virginia Field) and the mysterious Taggart (Dennis Price). Jeff thinks the Earth has been hit by a gas attack, he and all the other survivors all had reasons to evade the gas (aircraft, oxygen tent, air raid shelter). Then Jeff sees some cranky looking robots staggering through the village...

The motley crew of survivors do not get very far, They have a pregnancy to deal with, and alcoholism from one of their members. Finally Jeff discovers that the robots, and dead people bought back to life as zombies, are being controlled by a nearby transmitter. He and Mel (David Spenser) head off with a Land Rover full of explosives...

The film drips with suspense and a moody atmosphere and shows that you don't need a big budget and a wife range of sets and locations to produce an effective science-fiction film. The robots are rather ridiculous, who look like they have been made out of any junk which was handy, the mystery of Taggart is not really explained but our plucky survivors manage to defeat the robots and go home happily for tea.