Friday, April 1, 2022

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

The iconic full length feature directorial debut of Quentin Tarantino, the first of many epics packed full of pop culture, and one of the best.

Joe (Lawrence Tierney) assembles a team who all have code names like Mr White (Harvey Keitel), Mr Orange (Tim Roth) and Mr Pink (Steve Buscemi) to hit a jewellery store. The raid goes horribly wrong though and Mr White takes the badly wounded Orange back to their hide out. There they think that someone has betrayed them, but who? Is it the psychotic Mr Blonde (Michael Madsen) who caused a bloodbath? In flashbacks we discover who the police's inside guy is...

The film was a pop culture phenomenon in the early 1990s, drawing in many references but also creating many of it's own including the black suits, and of course many quotes which entered the lexicon. It has held up very well and is a simply superb film worth the hype. A very violent and cruel film, plus with lots of bad language. Don't play a drinking game every time someone swears, you'll be dead of alcoholic poisoning before the opening credits start.