Tuesday, April 26, 2022

You Only Live Twice (1967)

One of the best James Bond films, so wonderfully over the top.

An American space capsule is gobbled up by a mysterious other capsule and disappears, the Americans accuse the Soviets but British Intelligence think the other capsule landed near Japan. Bond (Sean Connery) is sent to work with the Japanese secret service led by Tiger (Tetsuro Tanba). Bond discovers a link to a chemical company and a ship which makes an unusual cargo stop at a volcanic island...

Along with local diver Kissy (Mie Hama) - whom James tries to seduce of course, having already managed with Japanese agent Aki (Akiko Wakabayashi) - Bond discovers a secret base hidden in a volcano and a plot by Blofeld (Donald Pleasance) to start the Third World War... 

The film is completely ridiculous of course. but so much fun with incredible action scenes. Connery disguised as a Japanese fisherman is nonsense of course but so much else is in this film. Which makes it so superb.