Monday, April 4, 2022

Sisters of Death (1976)

Rather low-rent but intriguing revenge horror.

Years before a strange female secret society initiation involves a game of Russian roulette with fake bullets, only someone adds a real bullet to the mix... Now the members of the society receive mysterious letters inviting them to a reunion. The girls, including Claudia Jennings and Sherry Boucher, arrive at the rendezvous point where they are met by two sleazy guys (Paul Carr and Joe Tata) to take them out to a secluded ranch.

Alone at the ranch (though the two guys soon return hoping for nookie) the girls find a welcome laid out for them but no host. An electrified fence is activated stopping anyone from leading. The host reveals himself as the father (Arthur Franz) of the girl who died in the game of Russian roulette and now he wants to know which of the others switched the bullets. The deaths begin, in various gruesome ways including by garot and rattlesnake. The scene is set for a final showdown... and a number of interesting twists.

The film doesn't really make much sense and includes a number of obvious and well-worn horror tropes. The initial set-up is novel though but the characters are all rather interchangable. A flawed but perfectly enjoyable romp.