Thursday, October 13, 2022

Chopping Mall (1986)

A simple but effective horror film, perfect if seeing a killer robot wipe out annoying young people is your thing.

A shopping centre has deployed a number of rather sinister looking robot sentries to guard the centre at night. The manufacturers of course reassure people that nothing can go wrong but we all know something will. A lightning strike on the central computer turns the sentries into homicidal maniacs.

Meanwhile a group of young shop workers are having an after hours party. As they have fun including lots of sex they are unaware the robots are on the way. Soon the group, led by Alison (Kelli Maroney), Ferdy (Tony O'Dell) and Rick (Russell Todd) are having to fight for their lives as the robots pretty unstoppable...

A highly enjoyable film. The human characters are probably as annoying as the robots are sinister with their red wrap around vision and arsenal of weapons (including laser cannons for some reason). The plot is pretty straight forward but the thrills are well delivered with some impressive horror high-spots. The title is great as well.