Friday, October 14, 2022

The Adventures of the Masked Phantom (1939)

A rather poor if unintentionally funny Western.

The Barton gold mine is being used to launder gangster gold bullion. When Barton (Matty Kemp) discovers the nefarious scheme of the foreman Murdock (George Douglas) he threatens to go to the law, though obviously a foolish move as  Murdock and his gang make him their prisoner. 

Meanwhile, Alamo (Monte Rawlins) hears the tale of the Masked Phantom and becomes that Phantom to fight Murdock's gang and rescue Barton...

This isn't a good film by any means, being rather shoddy and cheaply made. However, it is funny at times (if not always intentionally) and has some charm, plus some reasonable Western tunes. Boots the wonder dog is the real star of the show of course.