Thursday, October 6, 2022

Lightning Range (1933)

A low budget, low quality but not totally awful Western.

Dorothy (Patsy Bellamy) needs to get married by a deadline or her family fortune goes to charity. Hester (Anne Howard) and Hezekiah (Si Jenks) plan to get their hands on her inheritance but they are foiled by Black Pete (Olin Francis) who robs their stagecoach and discovers their wheeze. Black Pete substitutes his own man to marry Dorothy. Deputy Marshal Buddy (Buddy Roosevelt) learns of their plot and ends up married to Dorothy himself!

A clumsy film, rather inept and poorly executed however it isn't that bad a film, unlike some Poverty Row Westerns it has a reasonable plot that doesn't just involve aimless speeded up riding about the country. A bit of reasonably executed humour also enlivens the film.