Friday, May 17, 2024

A Burglar to the Rescue (1931)

A neat little crime drama narrated by the early DC character The Shadow.

Banker Steve Corley (Thurston Hall) has been embezzling the bank so he can spend lavishly on his young mistress Marian (Charlotte Wynters), however the bank auditors are closing in. We learn that Steve has already framed a fellow bank worker for earlier money losses, but Marian will not run away with Steve and leaves in a huff. Then, a burglar (Frank Shannon) enters the bank, he is the man Steve framed (or thinks he is), together they concoct a plan where the burglar steals the contents of the safe then Steve can claim he took all of the missing funds. However, Detective Hurley (Arthur Aylesworth) is sceptical...

A short feature but packed with storyline, and narrated by The Shadow (Frank Readick) who has a very annoying voice. Many films outstay their welcome and would be better if they were shorter, this is one film which would have been better with a little extra time to explain the story. But very enjoyable all the same.