Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Terror Within (1989)

For a change the battered survivors fight a barren wasteland caused by a biological weapon instead of nukes.

Some sort of virus has escaped from a lab (probably not Covid) and wiped out most life on Earth. A few survivors, now immune, hide in a secure lab while violent mutants roam the wasteland. They discover a group of slain people, and a live girl (Yvonne Saa). The girl is pregnant, and to everyone's horror her baby isn't human... soon a fast growing mutant is loose in the base.

David (Andrew Stevens), Linda (Terri Treas) and the others are in a race against time to kill the mutant before it kills them. Unfortunately, the mutant seems virtually indestructible...

A low-budget science fiction movie, mostly involving running about an underground bunker set. The mutant actually looks pretty good and there is plenty of action and it is pretty entertaining. There isn't a lot of depth to the film but really that isn't the point of a film like this.