Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Just You and Me, Kid (1979)

A charming odd couple comedy drama, officially there is some darkness here in the plot but it never gets in the way of some old Hollywood nostalgia and nonsense.

Bill (George Burns) is a retired vaudeville performer who delights supermarket staff with his genial quips and illusionist tricks. His life is thrown upside down when he discovers a naked teenage girl in the boot of his car! 

The girl is Kate (Brooke Shields), a teenage prostitute on the run from drug dealers. Bill, once he has befriended Kate, has to keep her hidden and safe, from the bad guys, nosy neighbours and Bill's daughter...

This is a highly enjoyable film, packed full of light, finely observed, humour and nostalgia. The relationship between Bill and Kate develops well during the film, especially once Shields warms into the role.