Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Bar-Z Bad Men (1937)

A decent if not unexceptional B Western with some twists. Jim (Johnny Mack Brown) arrives at a ranch he is a new partner in. However before very long his partner Ed (Jack Rockwell) is shot in an ambush and his ranch's herd is larger than it should be. A neighbouring ranch owner, Hamp (Frank La Rue) has accused Ed of rustling.

Jim thus has to find out what is really going on. Hamp's foreman Brent (Dick Curtis) is behind the reverse rustling to further the nefarious schemes of townsman Sig Bostell (Tom London) to get hold of Ed's land...

So fairly a standard Western ranch war tale, despite the reverse rustling twist the story line is pretty straight forward. Jim defeats the baddies with some decent fighting (though as usual with these Westerns everyone seems to need about 20 shots to make one hit!) and horsemanship. Hemp's daughter Lois (Lois January) plays the love interest for Jim, will he get the girl in the end? There are no surprises there either!