Monday, August 10, 2020

Missile to the Moon (1958)

Another 1950s scientifically implausible space exploration film, though this one has an interesting twist. Gary (Tommy Cook) and Lon (Gary Clarke) are escaped convicts who stow away on a rocket ship. The ship's builder Dirk (Michael Whalen) finds them and decides they will be the perfect crew to take an unauthorised trip to the moon before the government takes his ship from him. Dirk's friends Steve (Richard Travis) and June (Cathy Downs) also end up on this trip to the moon.

When they arrive there (not without incident) they find giant lumbering rock creatures. They hide in a cave and are captured by buxom blue skinned women. Naturally the moon civilisation, led by Lido (K.T. Stevens), is dying...

The special effects are hilariously un-special. The scene where they first arrive on the moon is a case in point, the "rocket" in the background is obvious two-dimensional card. The "moon" in the background for some reason has visible room corners! The less that can be said for some of the monsters the better. This gives the film the required camp and cheese factor to make this an enjoyable, if fairly unoriginal, 1950s sci-fi romp.