Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I Bury the Living (1958)

A creepy film though most of that atmosphere is generated an excellent soundtrack. Robert Kraft (Richard Boone) has been made chairman of the cemetery, his job mostly entailing putting pins into a map of the graves and telling the strange caretaker Andy (Theodore Bikel) what to do. However to Robert's surprise he accidentally puts black pins into the burial plots of two friends who die soon after...

More black pins are put into the map, some when sceptical friends challenge Robert, and more deaths soon follow. Robert fears it isn't just a load of coincidences and that he has become an angel of death...

A simple film mostly filmed mostly in a somewhat run-down cottage. The film is tense and works well with it's low budget. The film has a twist though it isn't one that will surprise you. The twist changes the whole direction of the film, for better or worse depending on your point of view.