Friday, August 28, 2020

Invasion of the Animal People (1959)

A Swedish cheesy alien invasion film, but made pretty incomprehensible by a badly executed American edit. John Carradine narrates the tale of an alien invasion, the aliens of course are after Earth women in the shape of Diane (Barbara Wilson). A group of scientists led by Engstrom (Stan Gester) investigate a meteor and some strange happenings in the frozen wastes of Northern Sweden (which the American edit seems to want to place in Switzerland - even though Lapland is mentioned a lot!)

The meteor turns out to be a spaceship, an alien monster destroys the scientists' plane and threatens a geologist and his ice skating girlfriend...

The Swedish original was a reasonable if not incredibly original science-fiction film but the American edit seems to take most of the sense out of it. A curious film with some truly laughable special effects (of course).