Wednesday, July 10, 2024

City on Fire (1979)

Hot action (literally) as a city is set on fire by a disgruntled worker.

Stover (Jonathan Welsh) is denied promotion at work and doesn't take it well and now seeks revenge. Unfortunately, he works at a chemical refinery which has been built in the centre of town, due to the corruption of the Mayor Dudley (Leslie Neilsen). Stover pumps chemicals and gasoline into the town's sewers which soon catches light and sets the whole town on fire! It is up to fire chief Risley (Henry Fonda) to try and save the day...

A fairly standard 1970s disaster movie, with it's characters covering a number of stereotypes including Maggie (Ava Gardner) the fading alcoholic star news reporter. 

The film has a good cast (though many of them do not really seem to have their hearts in it) but it doesn't raise the film much above OK. The premise really demands a decent budget, unfortunately there wasn't one which makes the special effects rather laughable. But as the genre goes its fine.