Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Preview Murder Mystery (1936)

A new film has been completed but some kind of maniac is killing off the cast and crew one by one.

Neil Du Beck (Rod La Rocque) is the leading man for a new film but he has been receiving death threats, when he is killed during a preview showing of the film the police realise it isn't just a crank. 

The publicity officer of the studio, Johnny Morgan (Reginald Denny) decides to help the police out (of course!) especially when the studio is locked down after more attacks and deaths. Who is the culprit? Suspicion falls on a most unexpected name...

This is a very enjoyable film, a crime romp set literally behind the scenes at a movie studio. It has the usual tropes of a crime film of the period, plenty of red herrings and tangents, and of course an enthusiastic amateur helping out the police!