Thursday, July 4, 2024

Lady Luck (1936)

A pleasing little crime drama with a light, often comedic, touch.

Mamie Murphy (Patricia Farr) wants to get out of her job as a manicurist, she wants wealth and fame, especially if she can become a movie star. She spurns the advances of newspaperman Dave Haines (William Bakewell) as he is too poor, suave Jack Conroy (Jameson Thomas) is more to her taste, unfortunately for Mamie he is secretly broke!

Mamie wins a sweepstake and is suddenly of interest to Conroy as he sniffs money. The problem for Mamie is that it is another Mamie Murphy (Lulu McConnell) who has won the money, though they come up with a scheme where the other Mamie keeps the money and she keeps the fame and notoriety. Unfortunately for their scheme, Conroy is found dead and Mamie is holding the gun that killed him!

A nice little film with a good engaging plot, and no shortage of humour at times.