Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Hat Box Mystery (1947)

A bright and breezy little crime drama with a good cast ensemble.

Russ Ashton (Tom Neal) is a private detective low on work and even lower on cash. His assistant Susan Hart (Pamela Blake) takes on a job to secretly photograph a woman using a camera hidden in a hat box. However, when she takes the photo she finds out the hat box really contains a gun and she shoots the woman who later dies! 

Russ works to prove Susan's innocence with the help of his rather dim assistant Harvard (Allen Jenkins). A criminal gang is behind the plot to kill the woman and now they are moving in to make sure nothing is directed at them...

A simple enough story, the hidden gun plot device is a not uncommon one in 1930s and 1940s crime films. The stupidity of the bad guys is a much more common plot device! An enjoyable film, it was set up with an introduction of the cast directed at the fourth wall, one wonders if a series of films based on the characters was planned at one stage.