Monday, September 24, 2018

Bank Alarm (1937)

A rash of bank robberies is being carried out, Federal agents Alan (Conrad Nagel) and Bobbie (Eleanor Hunt) are called in to investigate. The gang led by Joe Karlotti (Wheeler Oakman) are tough and ruthless - bumping off people left right and centre, but make a mistake with counterfeiting bank notes which gives the agents a lead. One complication is Alan's sister (Wilma Francis) is being romanced by one of the gang (Frank Milan)...

An interesting and well thought out crime drama though an unsurprising police procedural. It is good to see Bobbie play a proper role in the investigation and not just be a bit of eye candy.

The only real criticism being Clarence the photographer (Vince Barnett) who tries to pull off a slap stick routine but finds it's not as easy to make that funny rather than just annoying.