Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Home to Danger (1951)

An enjoyable crime noir which also is an interesting look at post-war Britain at the end of empire. Barbara (Rola Anderson) has just returned from years in the Far East to attend the will reading of her recently deceased and estranged father. To everyone's surprise he leaves most of his estate to her... which causes a problem to the father's ex-business partner Wainwright (Francis Lister) who needed the money for dark reasons of his own.

As Barbara finds herself the target of attempted murder (saved a number of times by the local simpleton (Stanley Baker)) she suspects her father's death was suspicious and begins to investigate with her friend Robert (Guy Rolfe). A tale of drug dealing, blackmail and murder unfolds...

Although quite a lot of the film (which is fairly) low budget takes place in the dark this is an engaging if unsurprising film. This is a snapshot of Britain before the great changes later in the 1950s.