Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dark Star (1974)

Dark Star is basically Hippies in space. Unstable planets need to be blown up before they get in the way of colonists so the crew aboard the space ship Dark Star are disposing of them with their talking bombs. Yes it is a rather strange film...

It is also rather good. A pretty low budget affair but very watchable. The ship is falling apart and a cosmic storm causes one of the bombs to malfunction. The crew, led by Brian Narelle, have to try and persuade it to return to the hanger and not blow them to atoms. If that is not enough there is also a rather bizarre alien which looks like an inflatable ball with claws that is running amok. The commander of the mission is dead but still able to communicate while kept in cryogenic stasis.

It certainly is one crazy film, and sometimes quite funny. It does drag at other times, just like being stuck on a space ship in deep space I guess. Unlike most science fiction films the crew of this ship are not supermen or highly trained personnel, they look like they were told to accept the job at the job centre or else. Despite it's flaws I've always liked this film, it was the very first film I ever saw on VHS...