Thursday, June 14, 2018

Tomorrow at Seven (1933)

Tomorrow At Seven is a sometimes silly but other times quite interesting murder mystery. The Black Ace is a serial killer who always kills his victims after first sending them an Ace of Spades card. Chester Morris is Neil Broderick, a novelist and amateur detective who is investigating the Black Ace. He goes to Chicago to see businessman Thornton Drake (Henry Stephenson) who is also after the serial killer.

While he is there the Black Ace sends another of his warning cards. While on a plane to Louisiana the Black Ace strikes and kills Drake's secretary Winters (Grant Mitchell). Now on the ground the investigation begins... and becomes a typical murder mystery with a cast of different characters in an old dark mansion.

Unfortunately two rather inept policemen are also around who pretty much stink out every scene they are in with some corny and misplaced humour. Apart from that the film isn't bad with a good plot though at times proceeds at a strangely glacial pace. The ending is very good though and worth the wait.